Sunday, February 28, 2016

the seventh seal - ingmar bergman 8/10

Look at death and play chess.

Regarder la mort en face des yeux, et y voir son visage.
Sourire devant le sort qu'elle se fait de nous,
Savoir qu'on l'aura, si ce n'est pas maintenant, demain.

Echec et mat, quelques jours de plus sur un plateau.

Voir dans l'âme de la sorcière le regard d'une enfant, apeurée par les flammes et soulée de douleur.
L'innocence part en fumée sous le regard des hommes.

Inviter la mort pour un dernier dîner, s'agenouiller devant sa beauté, pleurer.

Un beau film sur la mort et le courage de l'accepter, voir de l'inviter et la laisser entrer, pour observer une dernière fois la beauté et enfin fermer les yeux sur un mystère en noir et blanc, sans savoir. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fear and Loathing, Mr Robot goes to Washington.

Mr smith goes to Washington is amazing.  9/10

It shows the faith of a man into the crooked political system of the US in the 30's.
It's great because it's true and everything makes sense. Of course it's hollywood and it's sometimes too much, but even if it is, it's all true.
Now we watch Mr.Robot thinking about our society, corporations and the digital world...
Mr.Smith is Mr.Robot, just a long time ago, a single man making the biggest revolution possible. All by faith and courage.

Politicians and businessmen are working together for their own benefits while the country is in bad shape. The senators are old men, sitting in chairs and smoking outside the action, not concerned by what's happening, just enjoying their secure positions.
But this guy, simple and kind, is trying is best to change things with his own little power.

What does it take to change the system ? Power or faith. Even the small one here can make a difference, just by showing how much he is willing to loose just to be heard, not even to be believed.

After loosing all hope, expressing yourself might be the only way to survive and keep moving, just talking, writing and screaming about the truth, your truth, hoping it will wake something into the sleeping minds of the people around.